Like you would expect in an Diablo game There numerous dungeons to explore within Diablo 4. However, the game's new open world is a nice addition to the gameplay. I was surprised when I encountered a cliff Diablo IV Gold, and there was an option to "climb down" leading to another part of the map.

Although there's not an expansive, vast open world like Elden Ring or The Legend of Zelda: Breath of the Wild, it was enjoyable to have a greater area to explore. The previous Diablo games featured the ability to generate maps in a procedurally-generated way that are vast but also limited. Although Fractured Peak was still restricted, it didn't feel like I was bound to a map. There are horses you can purchase but only after you've completed a quest that is available later on.

In the time I played the build I was intrigued by the Diablo 4 story and how it played. This isn't how I felt in Diablo 3 where it was the gameplay that kept me returning however the story was swiftly gone. When you combine that with an open world and I was even more intrigued to explore, while also imagining how I could make my own Barbarian. It's that mix of story and gameplay that made the game I played of Diablo 4 so interesting and could be the case for fans when it comes out.

Whatever region Diablo 4 players come from or which platform they prefer can be played on, Blizzard has announced in a press release that their next entry in Diablo 4 will be games that play across platforms and cheap Diablo 4 Gold without restriction on region, allowing friends to enjoy the game together without any restrictions.